
Financial Lessons from a Founding Father

America is taking another look at Alexander Hamilton thanks to the hit Broadway musical celebrating his role in shaping our nation. As the first Secretary of the Treasury, he created […]

3 Things to Know If You Don’t Want to Leave Your Retirement Income to Chance

If you\’re nearing the end of a long career or have recently retired, you know something about what it takes to be successful. Luck can help, but hard work and […]

4 Fun and Affordable Retirement Activities

Entering retirement can mean a dramatic shift in lifestyle, but luckily there is plenty of time for new or old hobbies. Remember, you’re not just retiring from something, you’re retiring […]

Tax Day Finally Arrives

The revised tax day date, July 15th, is upon us, and there are several important things to note, whether you’ve filed already or not. While our tax bill might only […]

Preparing for Retirement Is Like Planning Your Summer

Summer is here, and whether you’re going to relax, visit friends, or take a trip, it’s important to consider how you will spend your time. As a kid, you probably […]

3 Things to Know About Covering Healthcare Costs In Retirement

Consider that the average 65-year-old couple retiring today will need an estimated $363,946 to cover their healthcare costs in retirement, and this does not include long-term care costs.[1] Many people […]

The Pursuit of Freedom and Happiness in Retirement

Happy 244th birthday, America! The holiday is enough reason to celebrate, but after months of quarantine, seeing loved ones and spending time outside in the warm weather is even more […]

3 Things to Know If You Plan on a Late Retirement

Retirement isn’t what it used to be: It’s typically longer and more active. Not everyone’s retirement will look the same, and not everyone’s has to. Maybe you’ll transition to part-time […]

What to Know Before Returning to Normal

The good news is that you survived the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, and the bad news is that it’s not quite over yet. For those who are returning to […]

Are We Entering the Roaring 20’s Round 2?

While no one knows what this decade will bring, we might look to history for some insight. One hundred years ago, America was reeling from the Spanish Flu and uncertain […]

3 Emerging Retirement Trends

The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to have a lasting impact on our lives, from how we fly to how we retire. During times of crisis, priorities often shift, and the […]

Can and Will You Retire in a Crisis?

Life is unpredictable, and there are a number of events that can impact our finances, from global pandemics to personal crises. And while adjustments sometimes may need to be made […]

